Overall we are satisfied with our work. Despite of all hard work, hours of coding and testing this was a really fun experience. This project has given a lot of knowledge no only about C++ language, but also planning skills, testing and much more and these skills will be very helpful in the future.
We are no exception. We tried the best to provide the fully working and perfectly made product, but, there can be further improvements in this program. We have satisfied almost all criterias like theme, knowledge from semesters I and II, which was needed to take care when doing this project. Of course this program has limitations and it can be improved more by somebody else, there is always some drawbacks, that can make this program not 100% accurate. Project has covered almost all of the requirements. Further improvements can be done easily because coding in nature is structural or modular. Improvements can be done by upgrading existing modules. We think that any project can be continued and is not considered done, because our minds is constantly growing and expanding.