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Why We Should Use Essential Fatty Acids-
Why We Should Use Essential Fatty Acids
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Glossary | 3 | |
Summary | 4 | |
Introduction | 5 | |
1. | Essential fatty acids | 6 |
1.1. | Omega−3 fatty acids | 7 |
1.1.1. | Found in foods | 8 |
1.2. | Omega–6 fatty acids | 10 |
1.2.1. | Found in foods | 10 |
Conclusions | 12 | |
References | 13 | |
Appendix | 14 |
The author has come to a conclusion that essential fatty acids are important part in organism. Essential fatty acids are the building blocks for all the other fats in our body. The essential fatty acids are linoleic and alpha–linolenic acids.
Alpha–linolenic acid more is called to an omega 3 fatty acid. In large amounts it is found in flaxseeds, also in canola, hempseeds, nuts, pumpkin seeds, spinach, salmons, and others. Research has shown that omega–3 is found in a more stable form in vegetables, fruits and beans not in fish.
Linoleic acid is called as an omega–6 fatty acid. It is found in safflower oil, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, hempseeds, olives, borage oil, black currant seed oil, primrose oil, chicken, and others.
Whereas all materials about this theme were gathered only from internet, this paper may not seem reliable but actually books about essential fatty acids are very rare. However, the aim was just to tell these paper readers what actually they are, why people organism needs them and where they are found.
The aim of this paper was to get as many as possible information of essential fatty acids and introduce these paper readers with it. The task was to tell these paper readers what actually essential fatty acids are, tell the differences between omega–3 and omega–6 fatty acids. Also to find out in what food are high levels of these fatty acids and to research what kind of problems can cause the deficiency of essential fatty acids. So the essential fatty acids are two important fatty acids – linoleic acid and alpha–linolenic acid, which cannot be manufactured in the body, and which must be obtained from dietary sources. The omega−3 family comes from alpha–linolenic acid, and the omega−6 family comes from linoleic acid. Essential fatty acids are necessary to make cell membranes and for many of the important hormones and other chemical messengers that tell our body what to do. A diet low in essential fatty acids could result in skin problems, such as dandruff, eczema, splitting nails and dull brittle hair. A lot of omega–3 and 6 are found in flaxseed oil. It is important to balance omega−6 and omega−3 fatty acids. (The ratio should be in the range of 2:1 − 4:1.) Keep in mind that fresh food contains a lot more essential fatty acids than processed. In appendix are several tables what show omega 3 and 6 content in different kind of food, also adequate intake for all ages. The author of this paper has admitted that although all materials were gathered only from internet, the main goal was achieved – to introduce paper readers with essential fatty acids.
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Computer and Health
Реферат8 Медицина, гигиена, анатомия, Компьютеры, программирование, электроника
- Why We Should Use Essential Fatty Acids
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