Lifestyle Comparison in Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" and Tim Winton's "Cloudstreet"
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Abstract | 2 | |
Introduction | 3 | |
1. | History of the United States and Australia | 5 |
1.1. | History of the United States (1933-1935) | 5 |
1.2. | History of Australia (1943-1963) | 6 |
2. | Authors – Harper Lee and Tim Winton | 7 |
2.1. | The Comparison of the Authors’ Lives | 8 |
2.2. | The Role of Harper Lee in the 20th Century World Literature | 8 |
2.3. | The Role of Tim Winton in the 20th Century World Literature | 9 |
3. | Literary Realism in the 20th Century | 10 |
3.1. | Literary Realism in the 20th Century United States | 11 |
3.2. | Literary Realism in the 20th Century Australia | 11 |
4. | About the Books | 12 |
4.1. | 'To Kill a Mockingbird'by Harper Nelle Lee | 13 |
4.2. | 'Cloudstreet' by Timothy John Winton | 14 |
5. | Comparison of Lifestyle in Both Books | 15 |
5.1. | Similarities in lifestyle in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Nelle Lee and 'Cloudstreet' by Tim Winton | 16 |
5.2. | Differences in lifestyle in 'To Kill a Mockingbird' by Harper Nelle Lee and 'Cloudstreet' by Tim Winton | 16 |
Conclusion | 17 | |
Bibliography | 18 |
1. The main goal of this research paper was successfully accomplished by proving that the cultures of both the United States and Australia are different and that language spoken in a country is not a part of the country’s culture.
2. The theory of realism was studied and the author of this research paper learned that realism was not as appreciated and widely used in literary works as thought before writing the research paper.
3. The history of both countries and the lives of the authors were studied and the author of the research paper came to a conclusion that the history of the countries did not have much impact on the way that the authors wrote these novels. The authors wrote their stories on what they had seen around them.
4. Both novels were read and the lifestyle between the two stories was analysed. A conclusion was made that the lifestyle of each family, in the novels, depends on the environment they live in, the way they have been raised and their financial situation.
ZPD darbs par divām grāmatām, ar kuru palīdzību tiek salīdzināts dzīvesstils ASV un Austrālijā 20.gs 30.-60. gados. Tiek izpētīta ASV un Austrālijas vēsture šajā laika posmā, kā arī aprakstīti grāmatu notikumi un tie tiek arī salīdzināti.