Опубликованно: 21.01.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 5 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 1.
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 2.
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 3.
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 4.
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 5.
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 6.
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 7.
  • Реферат 'The relationship between characters in "X un Y" by Eriks Ādamsons', 8.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Summary    3
  Introduction    4
  The relationship between characters    4
  List of books    8
Фрагмент работы

The short story with the unusual plot “X un Y” by Eriks Ādamsons is reported in two ways – as a usual reader catching the main idea and problem and also using the work “The role and history of psychoanalysis” by Sigmund Freud as a theoretical background. According to it the theme of a dream in this short story is death for other people’s dreams and relationships or it can also be translated as an imaginary life, obedience to this illusion and its fulfillment in life.
Although the protagonists are a man and a young woman, there is no physical propensity between them. Regardless of all the negations from the relatives and the awkwardness of the situation, the relationship between X and Y is very delicate and has some kind of abstruse charm. The surroundings - abstractive and detailed at the same time - also play an important role in the description of their relationship.…

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