European Cosmopolitanism Ideals and European Nationalism
Consequently,the reinforcement of national nationalism gave rise to first expression of European nationalism This first expression of European nationalism was determined by a convinction of the superiority of the European over the non-European areas of the world.Even before Europe entered final,and most expansive phase of its overseas expansion,most Europeans held their continent to be wll above the others.Intellectual supremacy,military power,economic development,and the commerical prosperity marked Europe as a homogeneous whole and gave it a unity far beyond national divisions,so until WW1,European nationalism was mixed with Eurocentrism.European culture was unique so ot could calim to be universal too.In proposing the creation of a general confederation of the European states as an essential step toward the construction of a „world republic”,Kant actually continued the centuries long discussion,which appeared during the Renaissance by the Spanish humanist Juan Luis Vives.followed by Hugo Grotius,and then it expanded largely.European nationalism was characterized by two basic characteristics:the will to protect Europe against itself by estabalishing a federation,and the ambition to defend European interests and European supremacies against non-European enemies.From 1848 to 1939 European nationalism reached ti second form with the antinational theme of the „United States of Europe”.…
At first sight the concept of a European Nationalism seems to be meaningless.Nationalism,after all ,is tied to the nation,and although Europe consists of nation-states,the European Uninon is presented to have antinational constructuon,,sometimes even as supranational.The European Economic Commmunity was created in order to supress the oppressive and warlike nationalism that had caused two internecine wars in less than a century. Nation-states cannot make full use of their powers as long as economics and politics,including the politics of European elections,continues to be perceived within an essentially narrow framework-despite the operation of the conomy at a world wide level.,it is also difficult for the nation-state to adapt itself to new modes of governance,it brings a question concerning citizen participation.Actually,the state has not always existed,and it possibly is not the only from of political expression than can legitimate control over all political,economic,and social regulatory functions,so nowadays states are definately affected by globalisation process,so maybe there is no need to defence them,that`s predicament of European nationalism today