USA’s and Great Britain’s Menu
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
3. | Annotation(Latvian) | 3 |
4. | Annotation(English) | 4 |
5. | Introduction | 5 |
6. | Analysis | 6 |
6.1. | Historical influence on the cuisine of both countries | 6 |
6.2. | Breakfast | 9 |
6.3. | Lunch | 10 |
6.4. | Dinner | 11 |
6.5. | Stereotypes | 12 |
7. | Conclusion | 14 |
8. | References and used information | 15 |
9. | Annex | 16 |
During the project research process the author confirmed his hypotheses that the USA’s and Britain’s menu differences are really influenced by the history and development of economy of both countries.
1. The British menu is very traditional and evolved over many centuries of influence.
2. On the other hand the American menu was created by in the country living nations and nationalities, in conjunction with a new food concept, product and business development.
3. Both countries have different components of cuisine and the ways of serving meals.
4. Meanwhile nowadays lunch is getting more and more unified due to the daily rush and lack of time.
The author often travels to the United States, England and Ireland, he himself has often faced enough differences in eating habits, not to mention how much these habits differ from Latvian eating traditions. That's why he chose this subject in order to be able to know more and to share it with others.
The author evaluates this project as a useful source of information to discover differences in English speaking country menus. It was an interesting journey in history for both countries, it was a great discovery, how people treat themselves in different parts of the world and to come to the conclusion that food at the end of the day is one of the most important parts of our lives.
ASV un Lielbritānijas ēdienkartes salīdzinājums angļu valodā. Projekta darbs ir veikts par ASV un Lielbritānijas ēdienkartes salīdzinājumu. Izpētīta ASV un Lielbritānijas ēdienkartes, ēdiena vēsture, un ēdienkartes rašanās, apskatīta vēstures ietekme uz ēdienkartēm, salīdzinātas ēdienkartes un to sastāvi, veikti secinājumi par tām, izpētīti valstu stereotipi. Var secināt to ka: • Britu ēdienkarte ir ļoti tradicionāla un daudzu gadu laikā attīstīta. • No otras puses Amerikas ēdienkarte izveidota valstī dzīvojošo tautu un tautību saistībā ar jaunu ēdienu koncepciju, produktu un uzņēmējdarbības attīstību. • Abām valstīm ir atšķirīgas sastāvdaļas virtuvē un ēdienu pasniegšanā. • Šodien pusdienas kļūst arvien vienotākas, dēļ ikdienas steigas un laika trūkuma.
Atsevišķas atsauces nekvalitatīvas.