Опубликованно: 05.12.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Презентация 'Recent Developments in IT. Projection Keyboard', 1.
  • Презентация 'Recent Developments in IT. Projection Keyboard', 2.
  • Презентация 'Recent Developments in IT. Projection Keyboard', 3.
  • Презентация 'Recent Developments in IT. Projection Keyboard', 4.
  • Презентация 'Recent Developments in IT. Projection Keyboard', 5.
  • Презентация 'Recent Developments in IT. Projection Keyboard', 6.
  • Презентация 'Recent Developments in IT. Projection Keyboard', 7.
Фрагмент работы

The history of the virtual keyboard is rooted in 2000 with the foundation of the Israeli company VKB Inc.
In 2002, the start-up company Canesta developed a projection keyboard using their proprietary "electronic perception technology"
How does it works?
The work is done via a little intelligent camera that monitors your finger positions and keeps track of your fingers entering and leaving the space where the key is supposed to be.…

Коментарий автора