Circuit Design for Ultrasonic Location Detection Combined with RFID
Реферат20 Авто, мото техника, Компьютеры, программирование, электроника
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
1. | Introduction | 5 |
2.1. | Background | 6 |
2.2. | Task | 6 |
3 . | Research | 7 |
3.1.1. | Microchip PIC | 8 |
3.1.2. | PIC18F452 | 9 |
3.1.3. | Compiler | 10 |
3.1.4. | PIC18F46K20 | 11 |
3.2. | Starting with compiler | 12 |
3.2.1. | Programming | 12 |
3.3. | Ultrasonic Transducer choice | 14 |
4. | Circuit design | 15 |
4.1. | Ultrasonic part of circuit | 15 |
4.1.1. | Schematic of circuit | 16 |
4.1.2. | Soldering | 17 |
4.2. | RFID part of circuit | 19 |
4.2.1. | Schematic of circuit | 20 |
4.2.2. | Attaching microcontroller | 21 |
4.2.3. | Soldering | 22 |
4.3. | Building coil | 24 |
5. | Conclusion | 25 |
6. | References | 26 |
5 Conclusion
The project started with studies. Before building prototype, it is necessary to understand, how system is working, what is it minors and advantages, choose the cheapest way of building, and make prototype small and easy in use.
Microcontroller is a small computer on a single integrated circuit. Microcontrollers have great variety, from small timer chip to personnel microprocessors. After several weeks of exploring microcontrollers structure and usage, choice of PIC was the most advantageously. It cost and parameters gave complete sight. Difficulties of choosing microcontroller were, because manufacture has wide range of chips.
Exploring RFID systems had problems from the beginning. RFID circuits for location detection inside the aircraft are completely new technology. All information about RFID systems were based on few sources.
Base for designing circuit was found in internet. In these circuits were made only several changes, what made circuit cheaper or more powerful, according to the aims of project. Circuit is shown in the report in electronic format, as well as drawn on paper. Circuit model was successfully simulated in Multisim 11 program.
Hardware for circuits was bought from electronics shop. Problems with soldering took much more time, as planned, because there also were problems with equipment.
Tracking and locating objects in buildings or rooms has been a topic for several years. The topic received new inputs with the development of Wireless Local Area Networks (WLAN) and Radio Frequency IDentification (RFID). New solutions were developed as a result. However the development of new concepts and the verification of designs during the development process are not easy, but often required by development processes. Normally, number of experiments are taken and prototypes are built. This approach has the disadvantage of high costs and a high time consumption.