World’s most Significant Events in the 20th Century
Our Research work theme is worlds most important, major, aftereffective, biggest events in 20th century. We think the 20th century was the most terrible century in all history. It was the biggest „people killing century” - about 140 million people died just because of some people. These people mostly were country leaders, like; Mao Zedong, Iosif Stalin, Adolf Hitler. These people started World wars, thats why so many people died. But people didn’t died just because of the war. In the 20th century there were many natural disasters, probably the biggest in all history. The real number of how many people died of natural disasters still isn’t known. But the number goes further than one million, for example, in 1918 started „Spanish Flu” (infleunza) and of that died about 30 million people. That’s just an example, in many earthquakes, tsumanies, hurricanes died many people.
20th century wasn’t only a horror century, good things happened too. Scientists did a great job if discovering many things, that changed our lifes forever. Many other things happened but we can’t tell them all, they’re too many.
Our goal is to learn about some of these events, the most important events. We want to know; what happened, why it happened, what does it changed and was it good or bad. Events were many, we can’t tell you about all of them, but we want to show other people how it affected our lifes nowadays. We think that many people don’t know about such disasters like „Spanish Flu”, many famine events, that took lifes from many million people. Thats’s our goal to tell about these biggest events.We think that everybody needs to know, why so many people died, who made them die.
Also we want to learn about scientific discoveries. We can’t imagine our lifes without tv, phone, radio etc. That’s why we want to know; who discovered them, how they discovered. …
Darbs ir par 20. gadsimta nozīmīgākajiem notikumiem, kā tie ietekmēja pasauli un cilvēkus.