Positive First Impression
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 1 | |
Appear Neat And Dress Appropriately | 2 | |
Maintain Good Eye Contact | 3 | |
Positive appearing and meeting | 3 | |
Shake Their Hand At The Beginning And When Parting | 3 | |
Smile! | 4 | |
Listen More Than You Tal | 4 | |
Relax And Be Yourself | 5 | |
Ask Them About *Their* Business And Personal Life | 5 | |
Don't Eat Or *Drink* Too Much | 5 | |
Phone etiquette | 7 | |
Card Etiquette | 8 | |
E-mail Etiquette | 9 | |
Conclusion | 11 | |
Sources | 12 |
Being neat in our appearance is something we can do regardless of whether we are trying to make a good impression on someone or not. In a *first meeting* situation for business, to show up in jeans, tennis shoes and with uncombed hair would be a big mistake. If the situation is social, dressing casual is fine depending on where you are meeting, but being well groomed is always going to make a good impression.
Take inventory of your wardrobe. When was the last time you bought something new? Wear something classy and tasteful for the first meeting. Dress pants or a nice skirt and blouse. Don’t wear anything uncomfortable or too revealing. Do wear sexy underwear. Even though you won’t be showing, it will make a difference in how you feel about yourself. On future dates, don’t ever wear jeans with holes, see though clothing, polyester clothing or jewelry that makes noise when you move.
Take inventory of your wardrobe. When was the last time you bought something new? Wear something classy and tasteful for the first meeting. Dress slacks or Dockers and a polo shirt or nice dress shirt. Don’t wear jeans or t-shirts on a first meeting or a date. And wear a pair of loafers or dress shoes (make sure they are not scuffed). Leave the Vibram soled shoes, hiking boots and tennis shoes for a casual date when you know her better. Unless it is over 90 degrees, don’t show up in shorts, and if you do, make sure you wear dress shorts and leather loafers. You can tell a lot about a man by what he wears on his feet and how he cares for his shoes. A good pair of loafers (check out the latest Cole Hahn’s) always looks good. Don’t ever wear shoes that are scuffed, dirty or are in desperate need of polish. Don’t ever wear jeans with holes; see though clothing, polyester clothing or jewelry that makes noise when you move. …
Darbā ietverts satura rādītājs, ievads, nobeigums, izmantotās literatūras sarakts. Darbā ir atspoguļotas pamācības, kā atstāt labu, lietišķu pirmo iespaidu. Tēmas: Appear Neat And Dress Appropriately, Maintain Good Eye Contact, Positive appearing and meeting, Shake Their Hand At The Beginning And When Parting, Smile, Listen More Than You Talk, Relax And Be Yourself, Ask Them About *Their* Business And Personal Life, Don't Eat Or *Drink* Too Much. Phone etiquette, Card Etiquette, E-mail Etiquette.