George Gordon Byron
George Gordon Byron was born in London, on January 22, 1788 in an ancient but rather poor aristocratic family. At the age of eleven he inherited the title and estates of his great – uncle. Byron was educated at Harrow and then at Cambridge. When still an undergraduate he published a little volume of verse entitled “Hours of Idleness.” In 1813 – 1816 Byron published several romantic poems, the so-called oriental cycle. It included such poems “The Giaour”, “The Corsair”, “Lara”, “The Siege of Corinth” and “Parasina.”
In 1815Byron married, but his marriage was unhappy. He went to Switzerland and Italy. There he wrote “The Prisoner of Chillon”, a dramatic poem “Manfred.”
He also has written these works: “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage”, “Beppo”, “Age of Bronze”, “The Irish Avatar”, “Don Juan” and many lyrics.
Byron died in 1824.
In my point of view romanticism in a way can be defined as “the world’s suffering’s philosophy.” It is both tragic and touching. And this can also be said about Byron’s poetry.
Skepticism and hopelessness, disappointment in life and deep pessimism on the one hand and his individualistic free-thinking even license, his cheerful humor and sarcastic satire as well as sentiment on the other hand is felt in his works. Because of all this I really enjoy Byron’s creation. I can say that Byron’s creative work is full of different feelings and emotions and it seems that the poet has put his incessant and passionate soul and heart into his poems that he is inside them.
I think that is the secret that his poems are so charming and exciting. The heroes of many poems are pirates, corsairs and outlaws who struggle against society. They fight in the name of abstract ideals of Freedom, Happiness and Harmony.
G. G. Byron is regarded as the most outstanding English revolutionary romanticist; therefore one part of his poetry is devoted to the patriotism, hopes of workers, peasants and partisans and to the struggling for freedom. His great patriotism and his inexpressible love for his native country is expressed in the following words which are said by Byron: “he who loves not his country, can love nothing.”
His special attitude towards England can be felt also in the fragment of “Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage” – “My Native Land-Good Night.” He spoke about his “native shore” with gentle mood and adoration. I think that he did not show these feelings directly, but I can feel that deep in his heart he loved his land.
George Gordon Byron was born in London, on January 22, 1788 in an ancient but rather poor aristocratic family. At the age of eleven he inherited the title and estates of his great – uncle. Byron was educated at Harrow and then at Cambridge. When still an undergraduate he published a little volume of verse entitled “Hours of Idleness.” In 1813 – 1816 Byron published several romantic poems, the so-called oriental cycle. It included such poems “The Giaour”, “The Corsair”, “Lara”, “The Siege of Corinth” and “Parasina.” In 1815Byron married, but his marriage was unhappy. He went to Switzerland and Italy. There he wrote