Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 4 | |
European gas consumption | 5 | |
Russian gas pipelines in Europe | 7 | |
Gazprom | 8 | |
Conclusion | 9 | |
Reference list | 10 | |
Appendices | 11 | |
Appendix 1 | 12 | |
Appendix 2 | 12 | |
Appendix 3 | 13 |
Today it’s impossible to imagine life without natural gas. Natural gas is one of the main sources of energy for many of our day-to-day needs and activities. Gas is the source of heat, electric power, motor fuel, and raw material for the petrochemical industry.
Demand for gas is dramatically increasing in whole Europe. I would like also add that European Union has chosen gas as one its main energetic resources (refuse from coal, oil and atomic energy as to unfriendly to environment). A key question is where from Europe get a gas to satisfy this growing demand? European gas producers can’t satisfy growing demand of natural gas in Europe and it means that European countries have to import more gas from outside regions, including Russia. Very important fact is that, Russia holds world’s largest natural gas reserves. Also Russia was world’s largest gas producer and exporter in year 2004. Main player of producing and exporting gas in Russia is Gazprom - state owned company, which produces more than 70% of total natural gas production.
According to a forecast, European countries will depend on Russia for 40% of its natural gas supplies by 2005 - 2010, compared with 25% currently. Russian natural gas has significant influence to the national economy of many European countries. Some of Russia's European gas customers are already feeling the big impact of Gazprom gas.…
Šis referāts gatavots RTU SESMI studentu zinātniskai konferencei (Business English Section). Darbs ir angļu valodā. Saturā: European gas consumption, Russian gas pipelines in Europe, Gazprom,Conclusion (ir arī pielikumi - kartes, diagrammas)