Опубликованно: 03.08.2023.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2021–2025 гг.
  • Конспект 'Health resort "Bakirovo" analysis', 1.
  • Конспект 'Health resort "Bakirovo" analysis', 2.
  • Конспект 'Health resort "Bakirovo" analysis', 3.
  • Конспект 'Health resort "Bakirovo" analysis', 4.
Фрагмент работы

Region, country
Sanatorium "Bakirovo" is located in Russia, in the Republic of Tatarstan, village of Bakirovo, at a distance of 250 km from the capital of Tatarstan, Kazan. This health resort is located in one of the most beautiful places in the south-east of Tatarstan at the foot of Mount Lyubov, in the floodplain of the Sheshma River and the valley of Lake Ozyn Kul, surrounded by amazing nature. Due to the surrounding mountains covered with forests and the water flow of small rivers, streams and springs, a unique climate with pronounced medicinal properties has been formed.

The "Bakirovo" resort was established in 1933. One of its founders was Maxim Ignatiev, who later became the head doctor of this sanatorium. At that time, he drew attention to the fact that for many years local residents from the surrounding villages have been gathering in the swamp near the village of Bakirovo and sitting by the swamp smearing themselves with mud. …

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