Опубликованно: 22.01.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Реферат 'Effective Presentation, Interface and Communication', 1.
  • Реферат 'Effective Presentation, Interface and Communication', 2.
Фрагмент работы

Very often in our school years we have to make presentations and to tell in the front of class about things both interesting and boring for us. But it’s very important to learn to tell interesting also about things we do not like or even hate. We have to learn to express our thoughts so that others also could understand what we mean and what we want to say. So, firstly, the main thing in our speech is the message. Secondly, effective psychology of interface. These things we can learn, but of course it is the question of training and practice.
Factors that creates tightness in the interface:
Interruption and needless questioning…things that disturbs to concentrate, this is why the teachers usually say their notes only after our speech, for me too, the questions in the middle of my speech makes me more nervous and stressful and I sometimes forgot what exactly I have wanted to say
Negative judgement and valuation, putting stress on the difference between speaker and listener... these things usually do not happen in the front of class, maybe only in the elementary school, but in the situations when you have to represent some projects in the front of public which has higher career position than you have, then I sometimes feel the haughty attitude and I feel small and black.…

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