Military Cooperation among Visegrad Countries
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 3 | |
What is a military partnership? / Prerequisites for military cooperation among Visegrad group countries | 6 | |
Differences and obstacles in the foreign policy priorities of the Visegrad group countries | 9 | |
Analysis of military cooperation among Visegrad group countries in the context of prerequisites and barriers to partnership | 12 | |
Visegrad battle group as an example of military cooperation among Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary | 15 | |
Conclusions | 17 | |
Sources | 20 |
Military cooperation among Visegrad group countries goes far beyond the EU and NATO cooperation. This state of affairs is determined by a broad historical experience, when
the Visegrad countries are guided by the principle “put your trust in allies and keep your powder dry” to improve the effectiveness of their own armies on the basis of a multi-level partnership. As mentioned earlier, the military cooperation of the V4 countries should not be called ineffective for multiple reasons, when both general and military cooperation continues to “gain” momentum, despite various differences in security perceptions, foreign policy
vectors, and the availability of resources for cooperation.
Separately, it should be noted that the practice of military cooperation in the field of military medicine has become more and more discussed and implemented in the framework of cooperation between the Visegrad group countries. Military cooperation among Visegrad
group countries is an example of effective cooperation, which is undoubtedly worth developing and implementing on a large scale, while taking into account the numerous risks, threats and consequences that are formed both as a result of preparation for military cooperation and arise after it. In this regard, it will be appropriate to finish the work with the words of Dwight David Eisenhower, the 34th President of the United States – “Though force can protect in emergency,
only justice, fairness, consideration and cooperation can finally lead men to the dawn of eternal peace”.…
This is clearly seen in the military agenda of the Visegrad countries, when global or regional dynamics is changing, it makes countries to intensify interest in military cooperation as an example of this can be seen as consequences of the Global financial crisis of 2008, which led to the reduction of military budgets of many countries and forced to rethink the concept of military cooperation and the annexation of Crimea and the beginning of the war in Eastern Ukraine, prompting the Visegrad group countries to enhance the partnership in the military sphere. As a result, when analyzing the military partnership between the V4 countries, one should take into account the fact that military cooperation is primarily an attempt to maximize their own military potential to ensure security through cooperation with other actors of international politics. So in the case of the Visegrad countries, the states pursued the goal of creating conditions for ensuring security by joint forces through a military partnership, the principles of which were laid in the First Declaration of the V4 countries, where it was mentioned the importance of the full withdrawal of Soviet troops from the region and was carried out by implementing the natural interests of national security, which also was to ensure their own independence. That is why military cooperation in the modern world can be represented by cooperation in political, technical, economic, personnel, scientific and many other areas. At the same time, military partnership can be carried out both bilaterally and unilaterally, even in the context of the Visegrad group countries, when the countries are focused on achieving common military and political goals, which, as mentioned earlier, can be represented not only by defensive, but also by aggressive, punitive, peacemaking and liberation motives. Due to the lack of an institutional structure for the Visegrad group, military partnership can be implemented through the negotiation and conclusion of bilateral and multilateral agreements based on regional cooperation between Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, as well as, for example, within the framework of various projects of such global organizations as NATO. The paper analyzes the main aspects of military cooperation between the countries of the Visegrad group, as well as the factors that influenced its formation in the form in which we see it nowadays.
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