Опубликованно: 22.09.2024.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 14 единиц
Ссылки: Не использованы
Рассмотреный период: 2021–2025 гг.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 1.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 2.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 3.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 4.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 5.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 6.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 7.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 8.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 9.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 10.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 11.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 12.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 13.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 14.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 15.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 16.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 17.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 18.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 19.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 20.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 21.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 22.
  • Бизнес план 'SIA EcoHome Solutions', 23.
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
1.  Summary of the business plan    3
2.  General information about the company    5
3.  Activity description, products, services    7
4.  Description of the sector    9
5.  Marketing plan    11
6.  Project implementation outline    14
7.  Financial perspective    17
8.  Risks and mitigation measures    20
  Literature and information sources used    23
Фрагмент работы

Purpose of the Business Plan:
The purpose of this business plan is to present SIA EcoHome Solutions, a startup company specializing in eco-friendly home improvement products and services. This document aims to secure necessary funding, outline the company’s market position, and detail the implementation strategy for achieving its business objectives over the next five years.
Planned Legal Form of Business:
SIA EcoHome Solutions will be established as a Limited Liability Company (LLC). This legal structure provides the benefit of limited liability protection for the owners while allowing for flexible management and potential growth.
Basic Activities (Goods, Services):
SIA EcoHome Solutions will offer a range of eco-friendly home improvement products and services, including:
- Energy-efficient windows and doors
- Solar panel installation
- Eco-friendly insulation materials
- Water-saving plumbing fixtures
- Comprehensive home energy audits and consulting services…
