Media Research
Analysis of British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) is a British public service broadcaster. BBC is the world's oldest national broadcasting organisation and the largest broadcaster in the world by number of employees (BBC, 2018). It employs over 20,950 staff in total, 16,672 of whom are in public sector broadcasting (BBC Full Financial Statements 2013/14, 2014: 37; BBC Annual Report and Accounts 2016/17, 2017: 138). There are 12 articles analyzed in this work from this portal and mostly they are informative and full of facts.
First publication about Skripals’ poisoning in BBC appeared in March 6 - two days after tragedy. This publication is very informative, very long and full of facts. There are surveillance cameras record with some man and woman from place near that bench on which Skripal and his daughter was found. For this publication there are reports from place of criminal event used. Eyewitnesses are interviewed as well and they give information about how Skripal and his daughter how they looked when they were found. There are map with some pointed locations too - where Skripals was eating, where that surveillance cameras record was obtained and where Skripals were found unconscious. At the end of article there are extensive information about Skripal - who is he, what does he do and so on. Interesting is that in very first publication about Skripal and his daughter appears opinion, that “A public inquiry concluded that his killing had probably been carried out with the approval of the Russian President, Vladimir Putin.” With this opinion published in very first article there is tone installed for all other event-related publications.
As mentioned above and just like before, the following criteria were used to analyze BBC publications: used photos, used sources, types of publications, framing of publications, titles and their relevance to the text, content of publication and misunderstandings and mistakes in facts.
There are not very many articles where are used photo, but when they are used they are very provocative and negative. For one publication there is photo from restaurant courtyard used. For other publications there are Sergei Skripal visible and these photos are very provocative and creates aggravated emotion. Mostly for publications there are not photos used. Publications are supplemented with other multimedial things like video.
Darbā analizēti divi latviešu, krievu un angļu mediji (kopumā seši). No katra medija analizēti 11-14 ziņu raksti par vienu un to pašu tēmu - Sergeja Skripaļa saindēšana. Darbs ir rūpīgi izstrādāts, veicot ļoti padziļinātu izpēti. Darbs novērtēts uz 10.