Grammatical Compression in Science Fiction Film Translation
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 3 | |
1. | The science fiction film genre | 4 |
1.2. | The popularity of the genre | 4 2. Translation types 9 |
2.1. | Subtitles | 9 |
2.2. | Audiovisual translation | 17 |
3. | Translation meaning | 19 |
3.1. | Poor translation effect | 19 |
3.2. | Quality translation effect | 21 |
Conclusions | 23 | |
Bibliography | 24 |
1.Subtitle production process is carried out in preparation for the subtitle text in the source language and their adaptation to the time codes, as well as translation, following a set number of characters in each line of the subtitle.
2. Science fiction is a thematic film type, which is characterized by a greater or lesser extent, a fantastic performance timing or place, processes, and technology. Typically heroes and creatures from other planets, the world after a nuclear war, interstellar travel, aliens, and similar entities.
3.Comedy is understandable even without translation because the comedy genre is much simpler. Science fiction without translation sometimes difficult to understand even that who is the main character, why happening a change in time and place, and why the whole movie heroes are trying to find a crystal or a light sword.
4.Subtitles are an important element of the film when it is not translated audiovisual. In addition, it is a very good opportunity to learn the language. Subtitles makes it possible to better understand what is happening in the film because the conversation is perceived not only listening, but also visually. Science fiction is quite a difficult genre, so if the subtitle reading goal is just learning the language, then it is better to start with a comedy or cartoon genre.
Science fiction is a thematic film type, which is characterized by a greater or lesser extent, a fantastic performance timing or place, processes, and technology. Typically heroes and creatures from other planets, the world after a nuclear war, interstellar travel, aliens, and similar entities. In contrast to the fantasy genre, science fiction is usually not supernatural character traits. Everything is the scientifically justified, or at least are considered to be scientifically justifiableIt is not always that reasoning is correct, more hypothetical. Science fiction films are the main function of entertainment, and often these films are considered to be insignificant to a large cinema in the world, but there are also many science fiction works, which are recognizable as artistically high-value, such as director Stanley Kubrick film "2001: Space Odyssey" and others. Science fiction is deemed futurology related areas. It is inspired by a series of discoveries and the emergence of new technologies. There is no uniform definition which would describe science fiction, but the most common definition is that it is a genre within which are used in fantastic artistic tolerances of different sciences - the sciences, the social - areas.