“New European Bauhaus” prize application
1. Please provide a short, catchy description of your project to be used in communication towards the public (500 characters only)
Our “Community fridge” is a refrigerator in the terrace of the locally beloved contemporary culture center in Riga, Latvia – it gives opportunity to local communities, café’s and small retailers to drop off unused food items and is open for anyone to exchange or take them thus reducing food waste and food scarcity, building trust, promoting solidarity, civic activism and inclusion. It's one of the first community fridges opened in Eastern Europe and it has paved way to the opening of more.…
Application example for "New European Bauhaus" prize in award category ''Regaining sense of belonging''. This application was done in 2022 and describes project of “The 1st Community Fridge in Latvia”, which was developed in 2019-2020. Application involves: 1. short, catchy description of the project to be used in communication towards the public; 2. summary of the project; 3. key objectives of the project in terms of SUSTAINABILITY (including circularity) and how the project can be exemplary in this context; 4. key objectives in terms of AESTHETICS and quality of experience beyond functionality, and how the project can be exemplary in this context; 5. key objectives of the project in terms of INCLUSION (equal opportunities, public participation, citizen engagement, co-design, universal design, accessibility, affordability, etc.) and how the project can be exemplary in this context; 6. how these three dimensions (sustainability, aesthetics, inclusion) have been combined in the project and how this approach can be exemplary; 7. results/impacts achieved by the project in relation to regaining a sense of belonging; 8. how citizens and civil society were involved in the design and/or implementation of the project and the benefits that derived from their involvement; 9. what kind of global challenges the project addressed by providing local solutions; 10. the innovative character of the project as compared to mainstream practices in the field of the project; 11. the potential of transferring the projects’ results or learnings to other interested parties and contexts, and what is the clear documentation, communication of methodology and principles in this context. [LV] Sociālā projekta pieteikuma piemērs balvai "New European Bauhaus" 2022. gadā. Balvas kategorija: "Piederības sajūtas veicināšana kopienai" (''Regaining sense of belonging''). Pieteikumā aprakstīts projekts, kura rezultātā tapa pirmais kopienas skapis ("community fridge") Latvijā 2019.g. Pieteikums angļu valodā. Atsauces tekstā nav izmantotas, jo tiek aprakstīta biedrības pieredze un tās realizētā projekta mērķi.