Опубликованно: 22.11.2004.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Эссе 'Research Proposal Same Sex Marriage by Julz Metheny ', 1.
  • Эссе 'Research Proposal Same Sex Marriage by Julz Metheny ', 2.
Фрагмент работы

Research Proposal
Same Sex Marriage and the Proposed Federal Marriage Amendment
Focus of Research
Same sex marriage has been one of the many recent political "hot" topics. It is a popular subject in political debate, national newspapers, and media coverage. These debates, articles, and reports are often focusing on rights outlined in constitutional laws, amendments and Bill of Rights as a source of the right of same sex couples to marry. Some states have addressed the issue of such rights in court cases throughout the United States with varying outcomes.

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