Volkswagen Car Dealership
Volkswagen AG is a leader in sustainable management and environmental initiatives. This is seen through their selection to the Dow Jones STOXX and World Sustainability Indexes, as well as their receipt of the German Environmental Reporting Award and participation on many environmental, sustainability and social responsibility panels and organizations. It is evident that Volkswagen's corporate success is linked to their ability to make less of an ecological impact. This is seen within their corporate and environmental policies that supplement one another in scope, objectives and actions. VW uses their environmental innovation as a strategic marketing tool by weaving it into their value chain - through research and development, operations, human resources and technology. Given VW's attempt to grow within the U.S. market, it would be likely that they would employ the same strategies they have successfully used in Europe in the American marketplace as well. However, the U.S. market is vastly different from that in the EU and Asia. The culture, expectations, demands and concerns are different, and therefore the current corporate/environmental strategy may not work in the U.S. market.
The American public is not as environmentally aware or concerned with the ecological, and social aspects of auto manufacturing industry. The average consumer wants to receive a quality automobile that is inexpensive and available immediately with little regard to the environmental responsibility of the manufacturer.