Опубликованно: 02.11.2020.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Конспект '"Language Shapes the Way We Think, and Determines what We Can Think about." Benj', 1.
  • Конспект '"Language Shapes the Way We Think, and Determines what We Can Think about." Benj', 2.
Фрагмент работы

Space and time.
There was a recent study focused on an Australian indigenous community whose members didn’t use the words “right” and “left”. Instead, they used compass directions in their daily interactions. For instance, every time they would greet each other they would respond by saying which orientation they were walking in. Conversely, English speakers wouldn’t rely so much on that. Even if someone would ask an English speaker for directions, it would invariably involve the words “right” and “left,” rather than “west” or “south.”
The bottom line is that the way those indigenous people use compass directions in their language has a profound impact on how they move in the landscape.

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