Empowering Team in Business - Part of a Leadership
It’s also interesting weather to think if good leaders in business are born or made? The one thought is that probably early experiences in childhood give minority people the appetite for leadership, but from the other side mostly the self confident people with a sense of authority tend to become excellent managers rather than a leaders. Actually there is no thing like natural leader, leadership comes from combination of intelligence, perspectives and intuition during the lifetime. Leadership can be learned, but most important is not what you know, but who you are and that you are person with conscious personal development.
I think that leadership and being a leader not only in business but overall is hard but in the same time delicate work, which being dosed in the right proportions can lead to success. Leadership sounds quite hierarchical but in reality true leadership is not at all about it. It requires people to have two important things- freedom and the second one which is sometimes even more difficult- responsibility. Empower others and you will see the progress of their self-development and the success of all the team. For me most im-portant in the end of leadership topic is the thought that you need to dare and take risks, because the only ones who risk, can possibly go more far than those who stay in their comfort zone.
History of leadership starts in the very beginning of the civilisation. People and organisations have grown up from authoritarian style to more empowering, encouraging and supportive leading style since the very beginnings of leadership history. There are a lot of definitions and theories about leadership, but they all have similarities, one of my favourite definition is that Leadership is some kind of ability to get people to do what they don’t like to do and in the end even like what they do/ have did. Leaders exist in every society and we can clearly see and feel the influence of real leaders. Leaders use changes to make progress, leadership covers all the things that is necessary for constructive changes. Important requirement for leadership in business are instincts, sense what to do and how to do the things. Although during our life we all take leadership decisions and choices about our own lives, it’s not the same as leading the team and making important decisions for the team and organisation with no guaranty that you have made the right decision and it can affect organisation and all the people involved, in the case of failure. Time by time we need in our lives these kind of leaders, influencers who empower us in some period of life where you are scared but you need to move beyond your usual behaviour and anxiety to risk and achieve something you would never dream of that it is possible. (Ievads no darba)