Опубликованно: 14.12.2022.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 8 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
  • Эссе 'Financial education should be taught in school', 1.
  • Эссе 'Financial education should be taught in school', 2.
  • Эссе 'Financial education should be taught in school', 3.
Фрагмент работы

Public high schools should include financial education and literacy in their curriculum. Nevertheless, the authorities’ approach to such endeavor is distant. Considering the society’s inability to cope with financial burdens, such as paying taxes and doing basic accounting, and lack of knowledge about financial markets, pursuit of finance subject can [1] help to manage personal finance better. Acquiring skills, such as basic accounting and analytical skills, can [2] protect one from financial default and debt. Financial education [3] allows to engage in emerging financial markets and reduces the number of losses due to insufficient risk allocation and portfolio management.…
