President of Latvia
Although Latvia is a parliamentary republic, the Latvian president's position is not entirely ceremonial. He shares executive power with the government and prime minister. Though he is not responsible for carrying out his duties, and all of his orders must be approved by a member of the cabinet – usually the prime minister.
3. President of Latvia
A president can be any citizen of Latvia over 40 years old.
The president’s term of office is four years, and he or she may be elected any number of times, but not more than twice in a row by the Latvian parliament - Saeima.
In the event the president isn’t able to do his duties, the speaker of the Saeima takes the duties of the president.
The Latvian president has his standard, a flag. The flag rises above the Tower of Holy Spirit, when he is in his residence – the Riga Castle or on a car, he is traveling with.
4. President of Latvia
When the president starts to do his official duties, he gives an official vow,
“I swear that all my work will be dedicated to the benefit of the Latvian people. I will do everything in my ability to improve the prosperity of the Latvian state and its people. I will keep sacred and obey the Latvian Constitution and national laws. I will treat everyone fairly and perform my duties to the best of my ability.”
Apskats par prezidenta amatu Latvijā, tā pienākumiem, piemērs vienas dienas darba režīmam, kā arī paplašināts apraksts par vienu no prezidentēm - Vairu Vīķi-Freibergu. An overview of the president of Latvia, its duties, an example of one a day in the life of a president, and an extended recital about one of the former presidents - Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga.