Oportunities of Pedagogics in Development of Abilities in Elementary School
At the moment one of the topical questions in pedagogy and psychology is a question about the opportunities of the development of the human`s sense, talents, abilities as well about pedagogics oportunities to promote their development.
What influence on those abilities leave the children`s creative ptentional development how it is pssible to achieve the improvement of the qualitative thinking process.
All secret hides in the environment what stimulates abilities, talants and creation. Therefore it is important to investigate how to prepare the “soil” for elementary school children to give them an opportunity to express their talents sucessfully.
Today many problems are connect with elementary school pupils` talents determination and their development. In modern literature and periodicals there are more articles and publications where is talked that theme, but if could be compared with a drop in the problem sea of the pedagogy and psychology both for teachers and pupils` parents.
The ruling in the analyses of the abilities and talents developments problems is that what we understand with those conceptions. The biggest difficulties connect with determination of the conceptions are connest with generally accepted norms of those terms. If to look at different dictionaries, we can see that very often the terms “capable”, “gifted”, “talented” are used as synonyms for the word “abilities” and show the degree of capabilities` expressing.
In pedagogies dictionary we can read: “ Abilities- natural, inborn potentional capabilities, gifted in one concrete area. These potentional abilities must be developed, cultivated and it is possible to develop them in teaching and working process in the influence of social environment.” [7.,41.]
Psyscological dictionary shows that: “ Ability- personality`s inborn opportunity to become capable in a concrete area. Usually in a time of life a very small part of abilities change into capabilities.”[8.,38.]
It means that abilities and capability are very close linked. Sometimes capability is consiered regarded as inherited however only abilities could be inherited, but capability is the result of abilities development. Capability is a quality what gives a chance to do something sucesfully, what gives to take in and secures necessary conditions for that process.
Those are inherited or in upbringing process got and develped abilities, mental and creative work capacity.[7.,162.]
From point of view of medicine and naturs comprehension ability could be regarded as inherited anatomical(ly) physiological(y) organism`s singularities. The nerve system`s qualities influences the development of abilities. It is indisputable. The speed of knowledge, skills and hardiness is dependent on the speed of education and persistance of conditioned reflex, from speed and easiness of aducation-adaption to new conditions and readiness quickly (move) go from one method of activity raelizing to another one.
Child`s abilities can be regarded as its personality`s psychological singularities because abilities alwaus differs now from their qualities, now from the range of variety, as well as from the level of development.…
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