The Latest European Union Enlargement and Constitutional Treaty
The new draft Treaty establishing the Constitution for Europe was entrusted to a Convention (2004 June) in which representatives of national parliaments, the European Parliament, the national Governments and the Commission openly discussed about the future of the Union. This Treaty probably will be signed by the Heads of the States in the October or November of 2004.1 This Constitution will come into the force once it has been ratified by all the member states. At first I am going to consider the main principles and the main aim of this Constitution.
The European Constitution is an important step in the construction of the Europe, because it is designed to meet the challenges of an enlarged Europe, besides the European Constitution replaces the main existing Treaties with a single text, but it does not replace the national Constitutions of the countries of Europe. It coexists with these Constitutions and has its own justification and autonomy. The European Constitution defines the contexts within which the European Union is competent to act.
The European Constitution is divided into the four parts. Part I defines the values, objectives, powers, decision- making procedures and the institutions of the European Union. It also describes the symbols, citizenship, democratic life and the finances of the Union. For instance the Draft Constitutions provides that Union’s aims are promoting the peace, well- being of its peoples. The Union shall offer its citizens the area of freedom, security and internal market, where the competition is free, it shall provide the economical, territorial and social cohesion, but in the same time the Union shall respect the cultural and linguistic diversity. Probably the main aim of this Union, which is mentioned in the Constitution, is fallowing: The Union shall work for the sustainable development of the Europe on balanced economic growth and price stability, a highly competitive social market economy, aiming at full employment and social progress.2 …
The latest European Union enlargement and Constitutional Treaty.The European Convent and new Constitutional Treaty