Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 2 | |
Chapter 1. | Silence and Stillness | 3 |
Chapter 2. | Beyond the Thinking Mind | 3 |
Chapter 3. | The Egoic Self | 4 |
Chapter 4. | The Now | 5 |
Chapter 5. | Who You Truly Are | 5 |
Chapter 6. | Acceptance and Surrender | 6 |
Chapter 7. | Nature | 6 |
Chapter 8. | Relationships | 6 |
Chapter 9. | Death and the Eternal | 7 |
Chapter 10. | Suffering and the End of Suffering | 8 |
About the author | 9 | |
Used literature | 9 |
The only function of spiritual teacher is to help you remove that which separates you from the truth of who you already are and what you already know in the depth of your being. The spiritual teacher is there to uncover and reveal to you that dimension of the inner depth that is also peace.
If you are looking for food for thought, you won't find it. The words are no more than signposts. That to which they point is not to be found within the realm of thought but a dimension within yourself that is deeper, and infinitely vaster than thought.
Sutras are powerful pointers to the truth in the form of aphorisms or short sayings with little conceptual elaboration. The Vedas and Upanishads are the early sacred teachings recorded in the form of sutras, as are the words of the Buddha. The sayings and parables of Jesus, too, when taken out of their narrative context could be regarded as sutras as well as the profound teachings contained in the Tao Te Ching, the ancient Chinese book of wisdom.
There is also an added sense of urgency here. The transformation of human consciousness is no longer a luxury, so to speak, available only to a few, isolated individuals, but a necessity if human kind is not to destroy itself.
The thoughts within this book don't say “look at me", but “look beyond me.”
Summary of the book "Stillness Speaks" by one of the most popular spiritual teacher nowadays who teaches meditation - a teacher without any spacial religion, the author of the American bestseller "The Power of Now". A small supplement - reference, the information about the author. Meditation, being beyond the thinking mind, the now and acceptance. Grāmatas "Stillness spaeks" konspekts. Autors - viens no populārākajiem garīgajiem skolotājiem mūsdienās,kurš māca meditāciju, skolotājs bez īpašas reliģijas, Amerikas bestsellera "The Power of Now" autors. Neliels pielikums - atsauksme, informācija par autoru. Meditācija, atrašanās aiz domājošā prāta, tagadne un pieņemšana.