The Usage of Translation Methods in J.K.Rowling`s "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" Latvian Translation
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 6 | |
Life and work of J. K. Rowling | 8 | |
The phenomenon of Harry Potter books | 10 | |
The theory of the main translation concepts | 13 | |
4.1. | Translation peculiarities of “Harry Potter” | 16 |
4.2. | Latvian translation of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” | 17 |
Conclusions | 26 | |
Thesis | 28 | |
Bibliography | 29 |
J. K. Rowling`s Harry Potter books is an excellent example of modern children`s literature that entertain and is well perceived by both children and adults. The novels have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide. However, the receptions of Potter books have always been controversial over its literary value and the level of commercialism.
Harry Potter novels nowadays have became one of the most translated books all over the world have been translated in more than 60 languages. The growing fan base all over the world had always been impatiently waiting for the translation: as fast as possible, as good as possible. Therefore, the translation of these books is quite challenging to the translators, for they are put on a lot of pressure since the fan base of Mr. Potter is remarkable number of people and a good translation satisfies all the devoted readers.
The goal of the study is to establish the main methods used by the Latvian
translators in J.K.Rowling`s novel “Harry Potter and the Hald-Blood Prince”. It is also a task to prove that Harry Potter novels is not just an average children`s adventure book, decorated with immense commercial success. In order to achieve the goals set, it is necessary to study about the life and work of J.K.Rowling, understand the reasons of phenomenon of Harry Potter books, get familiar with the theory of the main translation methods and translation peculiarities of Potter novels, and analyze the concepts of translation used in Latvian translation of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”.
Hypothesis: J. K. Rowling`s Harry Potter is not an example of average children`s literature, and it is a challenge for translators to deliver a successful translation of the novels.
The first chapter of this study contains brief description of life and work of Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling. Chapter two is dedicated to discuss the phenomenon of Harry Potter books and the theory of the main translation concepts is explained in 3rd chapter. In the chapter four the readers will get acquainted with the translation peculiarities of “Harry Potter” and Latvian translation of “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”. To conclude, the final chapter contains analysis of translation concepts used in translation of J. K. Rowling`s “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince”.
In the course of this investigation Internet sources and books dealing with a general descriptions of translation methods and J. K. Rowling`s biography as well as books and essays about Harry Potter novels, the translation peculiarities, and the literature about the phenomenon of Harry Potter were used. …
Kursa darbs "The Usage of Translation Methods in J. K. Rowling`s “Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince” Latvian Translation" izstrādāts LU Moderno Valodu Fakultātē pie pasniedzēja A. Veisberga (Angļu Filoloģija). Novertēts ar 8 ballēm. Fragments no darba: Quidditch is an alien name in English, because that`s how Rowling has named her invented game in the book. The question why would translators did not transliterate the term stays open. The term Transliteration is explained by Zauberga as “a method of transfer of letters of ST unit by help of TL letters, e.g. jungle – džungļi. (Zauberga, 1999:105) The translation of Quidditch in Latvian is kalambols. However, the Transliteration method would have been applied if the term was translated as kidičs. The Latvian translation of Fleur Delacour also demonstrates the use of transliteration method – in Latvian translated as Flēra Delakūra. The meaning and original message can be only identified by a French speaking person. Examples of transliteration method used also include translations of these spells: Avada Kedavara – Avada Kedavra Orchideous –Orhideus