Ethical Foundations in Public Relations
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Introduction | 3 | |
1. | Ethical Foundations | 4 |
1.1. | Professional Ethics | 4 |
1.2. | The Imperative of trust | 5 |
1.3. | Professional Priviledge | 5 |
1.4. | Social Responsibility | 6 |
2. | Ethics and Values | 8 |
3. | Codes of Ethics | 10 |
Conclusion | 15 | |
Index of Sources | 16 | |
20 Terms | 17 |
If there is one question that haunts the public relations industry it’s the question of ethics.
In recent years there has been increasing alarm about “spin” particularly in the political and business environments, and this has had a knock-on effect on the public relations industry as a whole. It is ironic that at the very time when professional communicators are being used more and more and their expertise is being recognized, there are also persistent rumblings about the integrity of the practice.
We can all think of defining moments when the ethics of the profession have been questioned, but it’s also true to say that the vast majority of practitioners do their job with honesty and openness, trying to be fair both to the organization they represent and to those who they are dealing with in the external world.
However, there is no doubt that public relations people sometimes face difficulties in the complex working environment in which they operate. Although they want to tell the truth, sometimes their understanding of the truth is imperfect for a variety of reasons. Making consistent ethical decisions in a diverse world where cultures and values clash is not easy. Being loyal to employers while living with conscience can bring conflict.…
Public relations is the practice of managing the flow of information between an organization and its publics. Public relations gains an organization or individual exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment. Because a public relations places exposure in credible third-party outlets, it offers third-party legitimacy that advertising does not have. Common activities include speaking at conferences, working with the press, and employee communication and in that action needs to know less or more ethical principles.