Human Trafficking
In our 21st century world where freedom and democracy are spreading to every continent and will and aspiration after self- determination increase more and more steadily, every rehearsal to confine it, usually ends with opposition, dissatisfaction and even fight. As long as we are able to control others and dictate our own rules and requirements as well as to take account of their thoughts, nobody even think about the situation someone could oppress his or her person, restrict the freedom of action and completely subject not only physically, but also mentally, leaving no possibilities for opinion, for resistance, objection- the things person in democratic country is allowed to use to protect own interests. Unfortunately modern life has brought not only a great deal of technical innovations and useful experience, but also created several unpleasant things- unacceptable to our free nowadays comprehension- things should have stayed deep in the past, not pervade among the new generation, where the main human rights are determined in the 3. article of the Declaration of Human Rights, which says- Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
The new phantom and reality of the developed world- human trafficking is now beating a path to our door with certainty and unbelievable success, involving and drawing in more and more potential victims. …
Human trafficking as the phenomen of 21st century has already caused enough harm and left permanent consequence to talk about it in a global level. Thousands of people have been verved and used in the sexual and pfysical labor market, sometimes taking away the last hope to come back to mother land and meet their nearest relations again. Which people are usually verved, their origin and destination countries, purposes for human trafficking- this is the paper about. It includes introduction, the main part, conclusions and the list of literature used.