Learning Vocabulary through Listening Tasks
Nr. | Название главы | Стр. |
Abstract | 3 | |
Anotācija | 4 | |
Introduction | 6 | |
1. | Peculiarities of Teaching Vocabulary through Listening Tasks in One-to-One Settings | 8 |
1.1. | Specificity of Learning Process | 8 |
1.2. | Methodology of Teaching Vocabulary | 10 |
1.3. | Vocabulary-Based Listening Tasks | 13 |
2. | Analysis of Research Results | 16 |
2.1. | Results of Pedagogical Observation | 16 |
2.2. | Results of Interviews with Learners | 18 |
Conclusions | 22 | |
Theses | 24 | |
References | 25 |
1. Vocabulary expansion plays an important role in English language learning at all levels of language proficiency.
2. During English one-to-one lessons, primary school children can acquire and practise new vocabulary more effectively if they are offered various carefully selected pre-, while- and post-listening tasks, which will be appropriate for their learning style and will correspond to their level of language proficiency, interests and needs.
3. The main criteria for selecting listening tasks for vocabulary introduction and practice are the learners’ level and needs, frequency, expediency (classroom language in particular), coverage and cultural factors.
4. The teacher should take into account that a learner can be of the auditory or visual type to adapt the way of presenting, practising and testing vocabulary to each particular learning style.
5. It is advised that primary school children acquire fifteen to thirty new words and phrases every week.
6. Primary school children can practise different types of vocabulary, such as word classes, word families, word-formation, multi-word units, collocations and idioms, synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, homonyms, polysemy and lexical fields.
7. Different useful techniques at the pre-, while- and post-listening stages, including pre-listening lists of new words, spider diagrams, gap exercises, putting words in order one hears them, Yes/No answers exercises, sentence completion, own story endings, discussions, dialogues and roleplays, can be used to help the learners acquire and recycle vocabulary more successfully.
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