The National Meals of Various States
Eating in Latvia
Latvian cuisine comes from the peasant culture. Latvian cuisine is typical for temperate and northern counties, high on butter, fat and grains, low on spice except for caraway and black pepper.
Rye, peas, beets and potatoes are the staples; smoked bacon, sausage and other pork products are favorites. Since Latvia is surrounded by the sea, smoked and raw fish is also available. Lots of things are flavored with caraway seeds, especially cheese and bread. Latvian rye bread is heavy and flavorful and goes well hearty Latvian meals like pea soup, potatoes and schnitzels.
Restaurants in larger cities often offer stews in clay pots.
Eating in Russia
Russian cuisine are very rich and delicious. Crops of rye, barley and millet provided the ingredients for a plethora of breads, pancakes, cereals, kvass, beer and vodka. Flavourful soups and stews make with fish or meat. Russian meat soups and meat pies are excellent.
Stylish cafes serving cappuccino, espresso, toasted sandwiches, rich cakes and pastries are popping up all over Saint Petersburg and Moscow.
Vodka, imported liquors, international soft-drinks (Pepsi, Coca- Cola, Fanta, etc), local soft drinks (Tarhun, Buratino, Baikal, etc.), distilled water, kvass (sour-sweet non-alcoholic naturally carbonized drink made from fermented dark bread) and traditional wild berry drink.
Latvian cuisine comes from the peasant culture. Latvian cuisine is typical for temperate and northern counties, high on butter, fat and grains, low on spice except for caraway and black pepper. Rye, peas, beets and potatoes are the staples; smoked bacon, sausage and other pork products are favorites. Since Latvia is surrounded by the sea, smoked and raw fish is also available. Lots of things are flavored with caraway seeds, especially cheese and bread. Latvian rye bread is heavy and flavorful and goes well hearty Latvian meals like pea soup, potatoes and schnitzels. Restaurants in larger cities often offer stews in clay pots.