Опубликованно: 03.12.2010.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 1.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 2.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 3.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 4.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 5.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 6.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 7.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 8.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 9.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 10.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 11.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 12.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 13.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 14.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 15.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 16.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 17.
  • Презентация 'Life in Colour - Yellow', 18.
Фрагмент работы

How the color yellow affects us physically:
Stimulates mental processes
Stimulates the nervous system
Activates memory
Encourages communication
Yellow is one of the warm colors. Because of the high visibility of bright yellow, it is often used for hazard signs and some emergency vehicles. Yellow is cheerful.
Yellow and black are sophisticated: Consider adding a punch of yellow in all black room. A yellow couch, desk, or wall art can take your room from boring in black, to sleek and modern.
Primary yellow loves kid’s rooms: Ever noticed that primary color yellow is used in childcare learning centers and children play areas? Yellow sparks creativity and imagination. Use it in their rooms to let kids do what they do best – learn and create!…

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