Business and Economic in Turkey
Region: Middle East Capital: Ankara Coordinates: 39° 55" North, 32° 52" East
Traveling by air There are 117 airports in Turkey, 90 of which are paved. There are 18 heliports in Turkey.
Traveling by car There are 426,906 Km of highways in Turkey.
Traveling by water There are 1,200 Km of waterways in Turkey.
Traveling by train There are 8,697 Km of railways in Turkey.
Real estate law
Ownership law
Purchase by foreigners law
Sales law
Sales by foreigners law
Rental agreement law
Building construction law
Owners liability law
Building tax law
Title deed law
1. Turkey - rich, self-sufficient country with a wide range of minerals, gentle climate, winning location and rich historical past.
2. Heavy economical growth in 6.8% with incremental export rules for the past five years.
3. Big potential highly skilled workers, based on comparable wages low.
4. A low unemployment rate at 6% below the average EU (9.8%).
5. Good local infrastructure to low-cost accommodation and service.
6. High Quality Services.
7. The Turkish government is preparing new legislation for EU accession in 2015
The form of joint-stock companies is more often used at realization of large projects or for creation of the large companies in industrial sphere where significant capital investments since such companies can easily involve the big number of shareholders, and also bank credits are required. On the other hand, the companies with limited liability have the advantages.
Relative simplicity of their registration, admissible minimal number of partners, low administrative charges, freedom in reorientation of a field of activity do their optimum in trade and sphere of services.
The form of joint-stock companies is more often used at realization of large projects or for creation of the large companies in industrial sphere where significant capital investments since such companies can easily involve the big number of shareholders, and also bank credits are required. On the other hand, the companies with limited liability have the advantages.
Relative simplicity of their registration, admissible minimal number of partners, low administrative charges, freedom in reorientation of a field of activity do their optimum in trade and sphere of services.…