Book review - J.Navarro with M.Karlins "Phil Hellmuth Presents Read 'Em and Reap"
After a fairly large selection of Forewords, Prefaces, Introductions, Navarro starts in on the bases for his observations regarding tells in poker. In a short amount of time Navarro has gained a reputation in the poker community as a man with considerable insight into the psychology of players, so I was curious to see what he had to say on the book.
Actually I don’t know what type of book is this, but I think that this is a science fiction book. Why? Because there we can read a lot of things about psychology of human behaviour, observations about tells in poker, how to behave at the poker table, how to play and so more! Author also spends considerable time on ideas that haven't seen much discussion in previous books, including hands, false tells, and tells of the feet.…
Eseja par angļu valodas grāmatu. After a fairly large selection of Forewords, Prefaces, Introductions, Navarro starts in on the bases for his observations regarding tells in poker. In a short amount of time Navarro has gained a reputation in the poker community as a man with considerable insight into the psychology of players, so I was curious to see what he had to say on the book. Actually I don’t know what type of book is this, but I think that this is a science fiction book. Why? Because there we can read a lot of things about psychology of human behaviour, observations about tells in poker, how to behave at the poker table, how to play and so more! Author also spends considerable time on ideas that haven't seen much discussion in previous books, including hands, false tells, and tells of the feet. The author also does a good job of warning readers that just because one has a read on what a player is feeling, that doesn't necessarily mean that one knows the right way to proceed. Book is about poker adventures, it tells how to play, what to do with strong hand, how to hide your behaviours at the poker table, that other players can’t guess what kind of cards do you have, strong or weak, and even this book teach the reader how to delude your opponents. But this interesting information left in my mind, when I read: Here is a list of various parts of a person’s body, ranked in terms of honesty. 1) Feet – most honest 2)Legs 3)Torso 4)Arms 5) Hands 6) Mouth 7)Eyes 8)Face (least honest) But this it depends from each individual.