Translation Analysis
Semantic strategies
The translator has used some semantic strategies. The most representative examples are described in this part of the paper.
Condensing, where the words necēlās strīdi can be translated as a single word quarreling
• Viņām nebija laika un vēlēšanās pļāpāt, varbūt tāpēc arī ļaužu starpā necēlās strīdi un nesaskaņas
They had no time for gossip, nor did they miss it, and hence there was no quarrelling among the people of the tribe, and no discord.
After comparing the Source Text (ST) and the Target Text (TT) of two different fairytales it can be concluded that the translations of Annas Sakses “Pasakas par ziediem” (“Flowers: Fairytales”) for fairytales “Magone” and “Orhideja” are successful. The translator Tamāra Zālīte has used many translation strategies and implied various different changes, but it does not change the meaning of the text. The main functions of the ST are remained although the words and phrases are adjusted to the Source Language (SL). These changes help the translator to convey the right message by not only to translating the text literally but also the idea.
The most commonly used strategies are syntactic strategies. It can be explained by the fact, that to remain the function of the text, the translator has to work a lot with the meanings of the words and rules and principles of the Target Language, which is English.
By the translation of those two fairytales we cannot make conclusions about the overall translation of all the fairytales. To be more precise and implicit, more analysis has to be done.
Annas Sakses pasaku - Magone (Poppy) un Orhideja (Orchid) tulkojuma stratēģiju analīze. Analīze ir angļu valodā.