1) Target groups on Latvian Market.
• Young people 14+
This target group is mostly interested in night life, extreme sport, history, architecture. Young people from 14 till 18 do not have much money to travel if only parents would give them money. Youth from 18 start working and that is why they are interested in traveling especially to inexpensive countries. Young people would be interested in visiting Czech Republic not for Christmas or New Year. They heard that Czech Republic has great opportunities for extreme sport, but Latvian tourism companies do not offer such types of excursions.
• Elderly people 60+
This target group is mostly interested in history, architecture, SPA-centers, museums, galleries, traditions.
In Latvia majority of elderly people do not have money to travel. They have small pensions and if they travel – they travel to relatives or not far from home. Of course there are also elderly people who have funds to travel and they travel to Czech Republic in summer, Christmas or New Year. Unfortunately, they travel only to Prague because Latvian tourism companies do not offer other destinations.
2) Our target groups are:
We made a phone questionnaire with most popular tourism companies such as JTL, Novatours, Alida Tours, INDI and we conclude about the following:
• Latvian youth from 18 prefer to visit warm countries to spend time near the sea and to have some extreme water sport.
• People from 40 to 60 are mostly interested in culture, architecture, museums, history.
We redefined our target groups and we concluded we would develop a marketing strategy for the following target groups:
• People at age of 18-30
In these ages people live for themselves and spend more money on their holidays. Young people want to dance, have extreme activities and relax. We would propose them interesting excursions in Czech Republic.
There are drawn up opportunities of attracting new tourists to the Czech Republic. The marketing campain includes series of alternatives as well as calculation of estimated costs. Presented in RISEBA.