Опубликованно: 01.10.2003.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
  • Эссе 'Passive Social Influence and the Bystander Effect', 1.
  • Эссе 'Passive Social Influence and the Bystander Effect', 2.
  • Эссе 'Passive Social Influence and the Bystander Effect', 3.
Фрагмент работы

A fascinating dimension of the bystander effect is the diffusion of responsibility. The general hypothesis that has been tested is: As the number of bystanders increases, it is less likely that any one onlooker will help (Darley and Latane, 1968). Social influence adds to this idea. Passive social influence from bystanders acts on the diffusion of responsibility and maximizes the bystander effect. Although pro-social behavior can be learned, because of social restraint exhibition of pro-social behavior in public is unlikely. …
