Hawaii is an archipelago of 132 islands, islets, reefs and shoals in the Pacific Ocean, consisting approximately of a total land area of 6,425 square miles and possessing a 12 mail Territorial Sea and the 200 mile Exclusive Economic Zone.
The Hawaiian Archipelago is of volcanic origin. The eight main islands of Hawaii are Oahu, Maui, Kauai, Hawaii, Molokai, Lanai, Niihua and Kahoolawe, each of which is the top of submerged volcanic mountain. Hawaii is the world's longest island chine ( 1,523 miles). Oahu or '' The Gathering Place'', is the economic center of the State and the most populous of the Hawaiian Islands. It consist of two mountain ranges; The Koolau Range and the Waianae Range. It is the gathering place of the world's most diverse mix of cultures, religions, and races. Maui or ''Valley Isle'', is formed by two extinct volcanoes Haleakala Crater and West Maui Mountain. A low isthmus passes between the two mountains creating a fertile area for growing sugar cane. The island is named after the demigod Maui, who, according to Hawaiian legend is credited with fishing the islands out of the ocean with his magic fish hook. Maui is particularly noted for the profusion of vegetation covering its slopes and valleys. It is the second most populated island. The westerly island Kauai or '' The Garden Island'' is the oldest island. It is famous with the picturesque Waimea Canyon and Mount Waialae , which receives an average of 444 inches (11, 280 millimeters) of rain each year that make it one of the wettest places on earth. There are many rare plants which cannot be found anywhere else on earth. The largest, youngest and easternmost island in the archipelago is Hawaii or '' The Big Island''. It is formed by five volcanoes, two of which are active. The inactive volcano Mount Kea is the highest point of the state ( about 4, 205 meters). One of the two active volcanoes, Kilauea Volcano, is the most active one in the world. The three smaller main islands of Lanai '' the Pineapple island'' , Molokai , ''The Friendly Island'' and Niihua are sparsely populated and rarely visited by tourists. The most northern beach of Lanai has its nickname ''Shipwreck Beach'', because dozen of ships have run aground this dangerous shore due to the strong current between Molokai and Lanai. Lanai is Pineapple growing center, with 98% of the land owned by the makers of Dole. Niihua is a private island and its nickname is ''The Forbidden Island.'' Kohoolawe , the eight main island, was used for decades by the U. S. military as a target range but was turned over to the state of Hawaii in 1994. The remaining 124 islands together comprises only three square miles and are not fit for human habitation.
The capital and the largest city of Hawaii is Honolulu ( Oahu).
Hawaii, and especially the island of Oahu, is more densely populated than many large cities in Asia and the US mainland. Towards the end of the 19th century the population was only 50.000 inhabitants , and labor was imported from all over the world. Today, on Oahu live more than 850,000 people ( that is 80% of Hawaii's total population), on Hawaii – about 125,000, 100,000 on Maui, 50,000 on Kauai, about 6000 on Molokai and 2000 on Lanai.
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