Propulsion of Vessel
Реферат4 Авто, мото техника, Экономика, Коммуникации, транспорт, связь
For many shipowners, finding capital to fund proven fuel saving technologies can be a challenge – even for technologies that pay for themselves in a matter of years.
LNG fuel technologies can improve environment friendly transportation but still there can be some challenges like: bunkering challenges - onshore bunkering logistics are still under development, LNG fuel pricing challenges, additional rules still under development, and public notice not fully known.
Biofuel can be a good alternative way for fuel technologies. It is environmental friendly, can be mix with accredited fossil fuels to power internal combustion engines. Biofuel fuel can be produced almost anywhere. One of the challenges can be to provide the necessary product volume. Increasing processing will either increase costs of biofuel. Also water resources can be one of the biofuel challenges, sharing the drinking water and water for irrigation systems. And last but not less important challenge can be weather, there might be some problems to start engine at the cold weather, so it is important to know in which area vessel will fly to avoid this kind of conditions.
Electrification and renewables main challenge is how to better save the energy on batteries. Mostly the batteries have heavy weight, limited driving range and need some recharging time. Normal recharging takes several hours and that is what must be taken into the account.
PROPULSION OF VESSEL - AN ELABRATION ON THE VARIOUS FUEL TECHNOLOGIES AVAILABLE WITH EMPHASIS ON ELETRICAL POWER STORED IN BATTERIES/ FUEL CELLS. INTRODUCTION “The marine industry is undergoing a transformation. As well as managing today’s rising operational costs and achieving cost-effective environmental compliance, ship operators are faced with tomorrow’s “big decisions”. Decisions about fuels, technology and whether it is possible to “future-proof” their fleet and assets.” (“Lloyds Register Marine & University College London”, 2014, URL) Nowadays in shipping industry the main actual theme is about fuel efficiency. Everyone who is taking a part of it is interested to find new and effective ways to discover any solution to reduce voyage costs. Mainly to keep costs as small as possible to earn more profit. In the same time it not all about the money and profit but the new alternatives fuel ways must be environment friendly and must be in accordance with international regulations. In this case the main role plays real possibility to find and apply future marine fuels in reality. If we want to predict and visualize the Maritime industry`s future we need to know about the current fuel types and nearest future alternative fuel types which will enter the market in soonest future and clearly will make some consequences to the industry. In this essay we will take a look at vessels propulsion based on an elaboration on the various fuel technologies available and the main emphasis on electrical power stored in batteries/fuel-cells.