Citizenship in the West and East
In the civilizations at the Banks of the Great rivers,rivers had to controlled ,also the supply of the dry had to provided,so it`s gave strenght to the earliest kingdoms and cause the development of a centralized bureaucracy subject to a monarch with absolute political,military and economic power,and he was supported by privilieged priests.,and this later formed the authoritarain solemn state.Then Weber started to compare European side and India,China,Japan in the Middle Ages,Orient civlizations actually were almost invariable according to their main charateristics from ancient till modern times,the interconncetion between irrgation systems and burearatic state apparatus was a reason of „Oriental Despotism” by Montesquieu,and Weber also mentioned it concerning Chinese monarchy,he also tired to explain why a progress in this directio didn`t reach a tendency.In his view commune-building depends on the capacaity of the members to unite in a ritual community,which is based on artificially –reated common relationshps.,so equality should appear among the members of commmunity,in Weber`s explanation the caste system formed in India prevented from happening the appearance of confraternal structure,in China that a was an anchestor cult.…
The citizen state as self-organizing military body body developed in the coastal civilization of the Greco-Roman world,Aritocracies was connected with profits from commerce,therefore military leadership was present ,so later the participation of citizens was necessary part,because they actually was the big part of military force.Priests were actually functionaries of community,though they couldn`t ask for independent authority in political questions. Actually in European Middle ages confraternity owned a good religious foundament,becasue all members belonged to the same church,confraternity ,actually was an aspect of the formation of nonprivileged citizens in the commune.In comparison,the meaning og Greco-Roman Antiquity is reduced,so the community-bulding in the ancient city is deficient,so Weber tried no to focuse on analysis of confraternities,but on the moment of foundation. Max Weber in his book in his book analyses the location of catholics nad protestants in different social layers,and according to information that was gathered in Germany,Netherlands,He realised that most of the protestants find their place in capital ownership ,businesmen and high-qualified layers of the society.