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Опубликованно: 24.10.2013.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 35 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Nr. Название главы  Стр.
  Defining the problem   
  Reasons of choosing the problem   
  Methods I have used   
  Relevant facts, statements and definitions   
  The analysis   
  After colonialism ended   
  Climate change   
  The current situation of welfare   
  The Current Situation for poor families in Senegal   
  Income of people   
  What is the government doing?   
  Other projects for development in Senegal   
  Solutions of others   
Фрагмент работы

There are many complex reasons of starvation in Africa. One of them is the colonialism, Senegal was left independent socially, but it was trapped economically. Joining free market created a gap between rich and poor.
Not only Senegal but the whole Africa is in the current situation because of its colonial past.
Life in some areas in Senegal is being degrading for families because of starvation.
There are solutions in the world how to abolish starvation. Improving agriculture, the quality of life and development of communities is possible with investments. Each region has a different solution but it is possible to manage if people unite and are educated about the issues, how they appeared and about finding out solutions.
There are practical solutions that exist in different communities in different countries so we know that it is possible to develop a country and prevent starvation by creating access to water, creating self sustainable farming projects and many others.
The government can’t invest so much money in rural areas, because of debt to the World Bank, corrupted politicians, and foreign investors only investing in Dakar. The investment is not enough profitable for the rich people. The reasons for this situation are complex but it is happening in other countries as well.

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