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Опубликованно: 27.04.2011.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: 18 единиц
Ссылки: Использованы
Фрагмент работы

There are a lot of researches which tried to explain main coalition government formation in the European politics tradition. Authors always tried to find out what principles affect government formation process. The most incident principles upon which governments are formed in the European political tradition are the role of national (parliamentary) elections, the political party size, the ideology of political parties, and the institutional framework.
Consequently with reference to the above mentioned the obvious implication is that there is a lack of understanding of basic principles in the Latvian government formation process which do not promote long-term stability of the coalition government and durability.
It is necessary to emphasize that legislation in Latvia determinates general procedures of coalition government formation process, but there is no legislation that specify which parties (biggest in the parliament, ideologically closest parties, etc.) has preferred to build a coalition government after the national elections.
In summary, one can argue that coalition government formation in Latvia is not in accordance with the European politics tradition, but the answer to the question “Whether coalition government formation in Latvia is in accordance with the European politics tradition?” is not clear, because most of the researches include empirical studies about Western Europe and not include new democracies in the Central and Eastern Europe, which now is a part of Europe and European politics tradition either. One can argue, that European politics tradition has been changed and developed according to new democracies.

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