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Опубликованно: 08.05.2009.
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Фрагмент работы

“Frost at Midnight” is a poem written by one of the Romantic Period greatest poets Samuel Taylor Coleridge. This is the most famous of the conversation poems in blank verse, which was written at Nether Stowey in 1798. Also, it was included in the first edition of Lyrical Ballads. In this poem he started to use a conversational tone and rhythm to give unity to the poem. This poem was a poem, where Samuel Coleridge started to develop a new mode of poetry. However, this poem has two versions. The first version was released in 1798, but the final in 1829. This analysis will deal with the final version of the poem.
As a young boy, Coleridge was changing different schools very often. Therefore, he suffered from home-sickness and dreaming of returning home. Also, as a young boy he was terrorized by the headmaster of the school in London. All his life Coleridge was haunted by nightmares from his childhood. He speaks about these sufferings in several of his poems including “Frost at Midnight.”
“Frost at Midnight” is written in unrhymed lines and in iambic pentameter. This form of poetry is very wide used among the writers of the Romantic Period. William Wordsworth also used this form of writing (e.g. Wordsworth’s "Tintern Abbey" is written in a very similar way).
The person who speaks in the poem is Coleridge. …

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