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Опубликованно: 16.01.2013.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
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Фрагмент работы

Soviet Sources stress that American and British supply was rather insignificant compared to the efforts and achievements of the soviet economy. (10.5% of all rus tanks and 11% of all aircraft)
But still this information can’t be reliable about exact composition and timing of the aid, because a few thousands tanks and aircrafts had a different meaning in early 1942 when soviet production, due to terrible loses, was at it low point than in 1944, when production was at its heights.

Only Germany regarded war as a major aim of its policy. Once the war began, all the others were able to find more or less successful answers to the problem of transforming their economy to war time needs.
Soviet Union carried out enormous investment in establishing a new strong industrial base behind the Urals, which actually gave a new starting point for Soviet Union.
In US instead of disinvestment and shrinkage of national wealth, war demands gave a previously unheard of stimulus to economic development.
Diligence and intelligence are able to overcome difficulties and contribute to the victory.
All of the four belligerents, in spite of the fact that they faced more or less the same issues, tackled these problems in different ways.
Generally has to accept as a fact the basically destructive impact of the war, not only on humanity in general, but also on economic development.

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