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Опубликованно: 30.11.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
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Фрагмент работы

At the same time Aragorn with his closest friends realized that Frodo needs a help to destroy the ring. And they decided that they have to attack Mordor to distract evil eye attention from Frodo and Sam. And they went to this attack although they knew that they can’t win the battle. And they succeeded to distract evil eyes attention. Aragorn and his army knew that this will be the last battle but didn’t know how it will end.
Frodo and Sam saw that army of Mordor is going somewhere and now the way to volcano is free. With the last strengths they went to volcano. After few hours they reached the goal. Now Frodo had to do the last thing – through the ring into volcano where it was made. Only in this place it can be destroyed. But the ring was stronger than Frodo and wanted to keep it. And he would do it if only Gollum wouldn’t come. They started to fight because of the ring. Gollum bite Frodo’s finger where the ring was. But Frodo didn’t want to give up and wanted to get the ring back. Finally Gollum with the ring fell in volcano.
When Aragorn army thought that everything has been lost they noticed that orks started to run away because the evil eye was destroyed and Mordor army was destroyed too. And they understood that Frodo has done his job and the ring has finally been destroyed. But they were worried about Frodo and Sam. Later they found and took them to safety.
Few days later in Gondor Aragorn was crowned as a king and everyone lived in peace. The fellowship of the ring where were Aragorn, Legolas, Gimlin, Gandaolf, Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry and Boramir who died in battle were honored.
Four hobbits finally came back to Shire – the place they were born. Everything came back in normal. Sam married with Rossie and few years later they got two children. But Frodo still felt the pain because of the ring.
He had to leave the Shire and this world because he couldn’t cope with pain. He left the land with elves which also were leaving the land because time had come for humans. Gandalf, Frodo and his uncle Bilbo left with elves. Sam, Pippin and Merry were very upset because they didn’t know that Frodo is leaving as well. They said goodbye and ship left the land…

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