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Опубликованно: 06.12.2021.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: 2 единиц
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Фрагмент работы

Exercise 15
Read the dialog below and write action minutes of the management meeting organized after this conversation. You must imagine what decisions might be taken at the meeting.
Cindy Chow, Director of HR (Human Resources) talks to Robert Crawford, Vice-President of the company.
C.C. Staff are very unhappy about the changes. I’m worried about the high staff turnover and low morale. I can give you some of the reasons for the problems.
First of all, re-applying for positions. As you may know, the management has asked all employees to re-apply for their jobs. Staff feels very uneasy and insecure. People do not want to compete against each other for jobs.
Secondly, redundancies are expected. Employees in HR and Sales feel particularly threatened. Many employees from these departments are looking for new jobs, which is affecting productivity.
The next very important issue is compensation. Staff is already being made redundant, however, the compensation package is poor. They are also receiving no help to find new jobs.
Talking about English language skills. The management has insisted that all staff must improve their English, but no financial help has been offered towards the cost of English courses.
R.C. All right, after I’ve heard all this, it’s clear that we need to organise the management meeting. I’d like to meet with you and Scott Henderson (Chief Executive) on 13 May in our meeting room at 2 p.m.

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