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Опубликованно: 18.10.2005.
Язык: Латышский
Уровень: Университет
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

_______________, hereinafter referred to as The Firm, in presence of director Mr. ______________, and representative of the State own enterprise _____________ of Republic _____________, hereinafter referred to as The Partner Mr. ___________, have discussed the possibilities to catch fish for Republic ___ ___________ and fish deliveries to Republic __________.

The Parties feel, that there are several ways to reach the goal:

1. To have own fleet for Republic ___________.

2. To charter foreign vessel (vessels) to catch and to process fish within economical zones of foreign countries.

3. To deliver fish and fish production to Republic ___________.

The Firm will be happy to propose to The Partner following assistance:

a) to recommend the places where purchase of the vessels is available;

b) to consult The Partner regarding rules and regulations of catches and processing fish within economical zones of foreign countries;

c) to consult The Partner regarding charter of fishing vessels with foreign crew;

d) to supply The Partner with fish and fish production at agreed time, assortment, prices.

The parties have agreed that The Partner will consider the proposals listed above and before ________ will advise his decision regarding future cooperation. The parties have agreed that the present protocol of intent is confidential and should not be available to the third persons.…

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