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Опубликованно: 04.02.2009.
Язык: Английский
Уровень: Средняя школа
Литературный список: Нет
Ссылки: Не использованы
Фрагмент работы

The aim of my presentation is to learn something about Latvian culture, traditions and business etiquette.

My tasks:
Find information about Latvian business etiquette,
Learn something about it,
Introduce you with my findings.
Map of Latvia
Flag of Latvia
President of Latvia
Valdis Zatlers
Riga: the Green City
Latvia’s capital, Riga, was founded at the mouth of the river Daugava in 1201.
800 years of history can be seen in the amazing architecture of the city
Since 1997 the central part of Riga has been included on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is the largest city in the Baltic States, and one third of the country’s 2.3 million inhabitants lives there.
Today its streets are alive with new businesses, cafés and an exciting cultural renaissance.
Riga is rightly called the ‘Green City’. Even in its centre, visitors can find idyllic parks resplendent with old oak, lime and fir trees.
Latvia is an ethnically diverse country.
Just over half the population (57.7%) is Latvian,
29.7% are Russian,
4.1% are Belorussian,
2.7% Ukrainian,
2.5% Polish,
1.4% Lithuanian.…

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